Dr. Beatriz Addresses:

Dr. Beatriz Addresses:

Solutions to Women’s Health Concerns

What Are Women’s Burning Health Concerns?

I asked you, our community, what your most pressing needs are. The top health concerns that YOU have included:


Gut Health

Metabolism & energy

Weight Management

Hormone Health

Bone Health

Illness Prevention

Aging Elegantly

Join Dr. Beatriz in an 8-week program which addresses these specific health concerns, to and jump start your health journey with greater education and motivation. Each week will include a topic discussion and Dr. Olson will create a weekly challenge that you can do to practice consistent habits.


Once enrolled, you’ll receive entry to a private portal where you can access all the course materials.

8 Sessions filled with valuable and accessible information 60-minute recordings of each teaching session

About the Portal

Your course portal serves as a private, personalized learning area where you can access all of your course materials.

Here, you can guide yourself through the course at your own pace.

What Past Participants are Saying About this Course

Based on pre- and post-course surveys, participants gained an increase in the level of knowledge by 62% in all areas, and specifically:

About Dr. Beatriz Olson:

Dr. Beatriz Olson boasts over three decades of experience in revolutionizing healthcare through her mastery of mind-body-spirit medicine and integrative endocrinology. She founded an Integrative Medicine educational community for health care professionals. Dr. Olson has earned acclaim for her #1 Bestselling book “Mind Body Secrets.” She is a certified transformational leader committed to nurturing women’s well-being in their journey towards professional and personal empowerment.

8-Week Course Bundle
Questions? Email info@integrativebeing.org


Create a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing by using Dr.Beatriz Olson, bestselling book Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor’s Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness